The Lost Notes supported by
The Three Rivers Gang

The Lost Notes are a band born and based in the creatively fertile blaglands of Moseley, Birmingham UK. They write songs about things that matter. Like the perils of one night stands and plastic surgery, the plight of bankers, and the downright miserable. 

The principal songwriters are Ben and Oli. Oli likes folk and Ben digs jazz. Both are stubborn. So each seeks to exert their own subtle influence on the music. The result is part folk with a drag of soul roots, a slug of gospel, or downright country with a thump of jazz around the edges.

Supporting them will be The Three Rivers Gang with a selection of good old Irish favourites.

Saturday 10th May. Prices are £14 each and spaces are limited so get booking asap! Doors Open at 7pm.

  • A group of people playing guitars in front of a wooden wall.

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